Words of Wisdom by Principal


“Success comes to those who work hard and stay with those who don't rest on the laurels of the past."

We live today in a world that is so different from the one we grew up in, the one we were educated in. The world today is changing at such an accelerated rate and we as educators need to pause and reflect on this entire system of education. Are our Schools well equipped to prepare our children to face the challenges that the future holds?

This is the question that motivates us to go through a continuous process of reflection and hence we at MCGS work at implementing a well balanced curriculum to ensure that the children of our School will not just love their School years but truly be prepared to face life's challenges.

Aristotle once said that "Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." Even as we impart education to match the advancement in technology and globalisation, we march our children ahead with MCGS' ethos of moral values and principles. We endeavour constantly to instil these qualities in our children. We pride ourselves to help them grow and develop into sensitive and responsible citizens of the next generation.

The prime objective of MCGS is to focus majorly on providing a platform to a child so that he learns about his inner potential. The School believes in providing top quality education coupled with holistic growth of a child and aims to create a successful global citizen. In today’s dynamic world when every moment a new innovation in technology is evolved, the school provides ample opportunities to students to innovate and think critically and lead the learning process.

We feel very content after bearing in mind the progress the school has made by imbibing in its students value-based education synergized with modern teaching-learning technology to produce a generation of well informed and emotionally sound generation during these years. And I assure all the parents that in times to come we will continue this journey with all elevated enthusiasm and with determination provide a platform of holistic learning to the young generation of learners.

A committed, caring and supportive management, dedicated teachers and co-operative parents blend harmoniously to create a child-centric School. It is natural to find in this ambience, the intensive use of a variety of thinking activities, strategies and group dynamics so that the classrooms become alive.

The very competent team at MCGS which is quite professional and possesses expertise in individual fields strive hard to concentrate on each and every child, monitor and mentor them, appreciate their achievement and encourage them to overcome their shortcomings.

Mount Carmel Global School believes that it is only that a team with proper vision in mind can achieve the pinnacles of success which every institution reckons and aspires for. Thanks and Humble Regards We firmly believe in the dictum of the Quote:

“We want that education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one’s own feet” – Swami Vivekananda”

Believe us when
it comes to your children

Ensure a safe environment, listen actively, and guide kids to participate and ask questions.Celebrate their achievements, foster curiosity, and help them reach their full potential.

Enquiry now!